Virtual Consultations Available
Company Name
Centaine Feng Shui
Feng Shui Master Consultant
Date Established
About Me

Derelle is an Accredited Feng Shui Master and active property investor.  She is based near sunny Brisbane in SE QLD Australia, has a Degree in Visual Arts and has been providing professional and personalised Home and Business Feng Shui Consultations since 2000.

Her motto is: Heart * Hearth * Harmony, and her specialty is Feng Shui for the family home and family business.  She offers personalised, practical and effective Feng Shui solutions for optimising productivity, positivity and wellness in your home and workplace.

Derelle’s Residential Feng Shui Consultations provide you with a Feng Shui Manual for Living Harmoniously in the sanctuary of your Home Environment. Her Feng Shui Reports offer detailed and user-friendly guidance including East/West Astrology, 8 Mansions, Flying Stars and Xuan Kong Da Gua Feng Shui analysis. Tailored recommendations are provided to enhance the Feng Shui support specific to each resident, including the effect of surrounding landform, activation of abundance qi, optimizing desk and bed placement and orientation as well as protective and harmonising colours and forms for each room.

Note: This service is exclusively online (using google earth and the magnetic declination for the location), ensuring that homes across the globe can benefit without the need for an on-site visit.

You can find me on Facebook and Instagram under Centaine Feng Shui 🙂



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Feedback from previous clients:

“Hi Derelle, we are so appreciative of your time & we’ve had some great results implementing your suggestions. We activated the water feature at exactly the right time & got a fantastic new job with lots of growth opportunities. We have permanently closed our front door & use the sliding door you suggested. I’m nowhere near as tired as i used to be I don’t feel like we’re being sucked dry anymore. We’re holding on to some money these days & there seems to be more of an abundance of it constantly flowing in. I think we implemented everything you suggested, haha. Definitely a lot more harmony in our home these days.”


“Dear Derelle, I hope 2019 has been going well for you. Several years ago your FS report said 2019 would be a good year for my work etc. I want to share that you were right on the ball, I’ve just secured a 15 month contract on a decent income….. I’m pinching myself – yay!”

Lydia, Sydney

“Hi Derelle, hope this email finds you well! I had a remote consultation with you a few months’ back and we have implemented the changes as you suggested. Things have been going as per normal, but we just had a wonderful car we were able to afford and were gifted some money and my son just landed a fantastic first ever job opportunity. So I just wanted to share our happy changes with you.”
Mel Helensvale QLD

“Dear Derelle, thank you SO much for this!! It’s so comprehensive. So much to plan and organize around dates. I’m so grateful for you and for having come across you on the world wide web!”

C R Miami Florida

“Hi Derelle, I must have followed your instructions correctly!! Here are some of the things that have happened in the last 2 months:

I’ve been offered a new job (which I’ve accepted today) – better challenges, better package!
Our eldest son is such a model student nowadays – when he gets home, he finishes his homework before he does anything else (yep, we’re re-positioned his bed and workstation as you recommended, and the room is much more spacious now)
My mom’s health seems to be improving too. She came here in December with back problems, but she’s better now.
Now, if only there was a way for my husband and I to lose weight….So THANK YOU for your help! All is good, and getting better!”

Warm regards,


“Dear Derelle,

Your report is amazing!! Ive had 3 FS consultants review our home and Eric’s office, and I have never received anything like this before from any of them – just some handwritten notes on a few pieces of paper!! Your directions are so clear and the images make a huge difference. Thank-you for all the work you put into the report – and how timely you got it done!”

KT Forest Lake

“Hi Derelle, I’ve been thinking of you a fair bit the past couple of days – I wanted to thank you for your help with my question about listing my house. I have to tell you, it was an amazing success! It was quite amazing, to me. Right now is the worst time to show, with the snow and a steep driveway and winter darkness, but I took your advice/suggestion and we signed the listing paperwork on Feb. 9 ‘stable’ day.
In three days we had our first (and only showing) on Saturday and an offer by Sunday!”

Diana CA

“Hi Derelle,

Well it has been a while since your consultation and many wonderful things have occurred. My work has become heaps better – new boss who I get along with & some new job offers. My social life has improved tremendously with lots of great social evenings and fun. Financially – hmmm well it is going reasonably well – still a little more going out than coming in, but probably more about the time of year than anything else. Have been dating some – been lovely to be out there again. Have been walking each night and eating more healthily, so that has improved as well. So, all in all, I am completely convinced that you have helped tremendously, so thank you!”


“Hi Derelle,

I wanted to thank you so much for your advice when you came to my home earlier in the year. After implementing your advice for the ‘Peach Blossom’ my relationship with my partner improved almost overnight. He has now moved into my home and our relationship is going very well. I have finally purchased an indoor water fountain to place in the alcove you recommended and within two days I had lovely new tenants for my investment property which had been sitting vacant with limited interest for over a month. Thank you so much again”


“Dear Derelle,

When you sent me the report I read that It would be best for me to travel and study before November the 8th. Last Sunday this inspired me to do what I have wanted to do for about 10 years and go study yoga. Its almost like everything lined up for me and now I have everything organised to enjoy a month of yoga in Rishikesh in India. Thank you again for your help Derelle I don’t think I would be following my highest excitement without your help. I am forever grateful Namaste”

A B Cairns

“Good morning my lovely Derelle, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU! For you clarification of my questions & also for giving me a response I could easily understand. I changed my bedroom around and OMG it looks amazing, I have so much more room & I slept so well last night, for the first time on a long time. Let’s hope I can tap into the energy from this angle. I really appreciate your help with this. I means a lot”.

LJ Thornlands

“You might think I’m joking but I’m telling you, I wouldn’t organise my home without Derelle’s advice if I can possibly help it. Feng shui is a mysterious energy and I much prefer to have it on my side”!
Yasmin Boland NSW

Disclaimer:  As a Professional membership organization, the International Feng Shui Guild is providing this directory as a service to the public.  Consultation services and offerings belong to the consultant and appearance on this directory does not imply an endorsement by the IFSG.  Exclamations expressed by consultants are those of the individual and do not necessarily reflect the view of the IFSG.  If you have questions about this disclaimer, please contact our office.