Highlights from our 2024 Feng Shui Conference

Feng Shui Newsletter

Wow. What an April! ❤️ Culminating months of planning – we hosted 24 speakers from around the globe in our third online Feng Shui conference. Even in the midst of retrograde 😁 we had a blast! Were you able to jump on to any of the live Zoom sessions?
If not…the good news is we can’t stop thinking about all the presenters, their topics, their words and lessons…the diversity in the IFSG is truly second-to-none. As a professional membership organization, we are devoted to expanding the awareness and practice of Feng Shui globally. And special events like this virtual conference let us do just that – we love sharing the talented professionals in our field.
And while we can’t logistically share all 24 speakers here in this brief newsletter to match the 24 hours of knowledge presented – we can showcase a few and invite you to dig deeper.
We hope you enjoy these highlights…
…from the International Feng Shui Guild
Highlight from the April 2024 Conference, May 2024 Newsletter
Healthy Homes – the Psychotherapy of Space
Christian Kyriacou, The House Whisperer
Christian presented The Soul of Buildings for the conference, and we were blown away. In the short video above, he explains why life might not be working well after you move or even at any time due to the energy of your space changing through life events. The soul of the house is part of the equation.
How to Create a Biophilic Design Bedroom
Maureen K. Calamia, Luminous Spaces
In this short video above, Maureen shares tips on how to create a biophilic design bedroom for greater well-being and sleep. Did you know that biophilic design can help you sleep better? It really can!
Read “What is Biophilic Design and Feng Shui,” also by Maureen.
Highlights from the IFSG April 2024 Feng Shui Conference, Suzanne Butler and Real Estate
“Ready to infuse some positive energy into your property journey? Check out these quick Feng Shui tips for sellers from Suzanne Butler, Harmonising Energies Feng Shui who presented secrets to lucrative real estate transactions…
✔️ Spruce up the path from your car to the front door. 🌷
✔️ Make your entrance pop with flowers and a clean welcome. 🚪💐
✔️ Declutter inside and out. 🧹
✔️ Fix leaks and chipped paint. 🛠️
✔️ Ensure smooth operation of windows, doors, and closets.
✔️ Match each room’s vibe by ditching the mismatched stuff. 🛋️
✔️ Keep bathrooms chill with neutral decor, a down toilet seat, and a mirror or crystal. 🚽
✔️ Position furniture for a killer room view. 🪑👀
✔️ Transform your master bedroom into a serene escape. 🛌🌙
✔️ Trim branches and swap out dead plants. 🌿💀
Highlights from the IFSG April 2024 Feng Shui Conference - Amanda Sophia
How to Create Movement with the Fire Element in Feng Shui
Amanda Sophia, International Feng Shui School
Fire is an element of action. Think of a flame as it flutters, influenced by the elements around it, spreading the energy in all directions. Fire has the ability to transmute the energy around it, much like it draws in oxygen, heats water and earth, and burns wood. It’s extremely powerful and controlling in any space. Fire used in the right way, in balance, like the yin and yang, can be positive…
During her conference presentation, Amanda led us through a journey of discovering fire – its essence, its power, its grace, and its connection to our world. Enjoy this special guided meditation on the sacred nature of fire. 🔥
Highlights from the April 2024 Feng Shui Conference, S. Lee Wright Feng Shui Rentals
How To Transform Your Apartment Rental with Feng Shui
S. Lee Wright, Holistic Inner Designs
Do you sense a lack of harmony in your home, and do you yearn for a way to transform your apartment? Does the energy feel stagnant, the decor drab, and your sanctuary lacks the vibrancy you crave? You’re not alone in this struggle.
Many apartment renters grapple with unseen forces that dampen the spirit of their homes, seeking a transformation that seems elusive. But fear not, for within the art of Feng Shui and Interior Design lies the key to unlocking hidden harmony, even in a rental.
Feng Shui Conference, Sherry SteineHarmonizing Trends: Integrating 2024 Wellness Trends with the Timeless Wisdom of Feng Shui
Sherry Steine, SBW Aligned Expressions
“In design, [we want to] understand the elements and arrangements for fostering comfort and positivity. This is even in light of added home technologies being used for wellness as we still want to prioritize well-being in the design. We want to make sure that we look at Feng Shui principles to mitigate EMF exposure even though the trends are going to add EMF through those wellness technologies. We can continue to increase and embrace wellness within our homes.”
Feng Shui Conference, Laurie PawliFeng Shui Shoe Talk
Laurie Pawli, Create the Feeling and Feng Shui School of Chicago/Sarasota
“Pick your shoes to match the energy of the bagua! For example, say you have an important meeting or you are heading to an interview or you just want to step up your career putting your best foot forward. Head to the bagua’s career area and bring the abundance into your career.
“Look for a black or an indigo blue shoe; maybe it has a wavy pattern on it. The waves represent the energy of career or water to energize your career. Or you might want to find something that has a little bit of bling which could represent water droplets. You might select black shoes, black being the color in the career gua.”
Feng Shui Conference, Mary LadybirdWaking up in the 5th Dimension: How to Activate your Home’s Frequency Potential
Mary Ladybird, Wonder Space® Feng Shui
“Explore darkness…there is no fear about going into discussing the more complex heavier topics. It can be difficult, but is necessary to look at the parts of ourselves that we don’t want to look at. I encourage you to explore the idea of removing negativity from the word darkness. Let’s fall in love with the dark again.” Listen to her podcast.
Feng Shui Conference, Wendy YawchingFeng Shui for Frequent Flyers
Wendy Yawching, Healing Spaces Caribbean
“When people travel, they don’t just take along their checked suitcases and hand baggage; they also take along their personalities, their health situation, their current emotional state, their hopes and fears. Some people bring positive energy; some not so positive; some are looking forward to the trip; some are dreading it; some folks love airplanes; some are terrified of flying. Let’s call this bundle of energy: the person’s chi package; and they bring it into the airplane cabin as their unchecked cabin baggage. …The total energy on board is the sum of the energies of the people on board.”
Is it hopeless? Should we avoid flying? No way.  ✈️
Wendy’s tip: make a personal Chi support plan…to help keep your Chi strong and smooth through any situation you might encounter.
April 2024 Feng Shui Conference
Final Thoughts
“Strength lies in differences, not in similarities”
― Stephen R. Covey
If you are new to the IFSG – or perhaps you didn’t realize – we do not subscribe to the idea that there is a right and wrong way to do Feng Shui. Since the mid-1990s, our tenet has always been to openly and abundantly embrace all perspectives of Feng Shui.
We all apply the basic principles – we call them the Feng Shui Universal Topics – but each of us can use different schools of thought or Feng Shui perspectives to get the work done. Our goal at the IFSG is to help all of our members, presenters, and partners uniquely shine for those who are meant for them. It’s what makes the IFSG different. It’s what makes us unique. And it’s what makes us strong after more than 25 years.
Our events mirror this philosophy. We strive to find as wide a range of presenter ideas and philosophies that we can. You may not resonate with some of those speakers. We get it. We really do. It’s ok. That’s why you will often hear us say: take what works for you and leave the rest. And it’s one of the reasons we love what we do.
Look for our next online special conference event in 2025…
Feng Shui Conference Recordings Package
As a professional non-profit organization, the International Feng Shui Guild mission is to
  • Advance the practice, teaching and use of Feng Shui worldwide
  • Promote and serve our membership with resources, networking opportunities, publications and a content-rich website
  • Unify the Feng Shui community by establishing and upholding universal standards in professional practice and education
  • Inspire public confidence in the professionalism of our members as demonstrated in our by-laws, Code of Ethics and the Feng Shui Universal Topics.
Copyright © 2024 International Feng Shui Guild.

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