Nine Quick Feng Shui Fixes

Feng Shui Tips

We were thinking this morning about how some people get stuck in the big stuff when a few small changes can sometimes jump start an energy shift.  Maybe you think you don’t have time.  Maybe you really don’t have time.  Maybe you are overwhelmed or just don’t get the value of Feng Shui – even though your cousin told you all about how it changed her life.  Or maybe it simply feels complicated.

So, we threw together a fast list of nine things you can do to shift your chi.

Obviously, there is more to Feng Shui than nine quick tips.  Way more.  There are floor plans and the bagua, balancing the five elements, mathematical analysis on orientation and time, looking at traffic flow and patterns in your space and in your habits, setting intentions and backing those up with physical changes, letting go of what no longer serves you…
Well, you get the idea.

But we believe anyone – and we mean anyone – can make changes in their life and feel a shift for the better.

For example, have you ever helped a child clean their room or a playroom.  You feel great because everything is in its place.  But the kids…well, they see and feel energy differently.  They haven’t taken on the expectations or “shoulds” in the world and just know.  They just know something is better, clearer, cleaner, fresher, safer, and more alive.  And they want to be in that room.  That is Feng Shui.  Tangible and evidentiary. It’s clear on their faces.

So, let’s get to it…take one or all…take what resonates and leave the rest.  Do Feng Shui your way and it will be right for you.

  1. Close the toilet lid – this is literally the common “should” for all perspectives or schools of feng shui. Water is wealth and open drains – or basically a big open basin like a toilet – can represent the loss of abundance. Think of the phrase, “money down the drain.”
  2. Come in the front door (at least sometimes) – the front door in Feng Shui is called the mouth of chi. And chi is the nurturing life force of energy flowing abundantly through the world that fills our bucket and our life.  But if you never use that door (think garage entrance), you aren’t really freshening up your chi and inviting the good stuff in.
  3. Go through the mail on your counter  clutter keeps you stuck and not having control of your affairs or bills left unpaid represents a lack of control. Don’t want to be stuck – get rid of the junk.
  4. Wash some windows – windows are often called the eyes of the home, and represent clarity and how we see our world. Remember the example above of cleaning the playroom?  Try cleaning a few windows and you might just feel a bit differently.
  5. Check your view – can you see the entrance to a room when you are sitting or laying down? Especially in the office or bedroom – giving yourself what we call the “command position” is a great way to soothe your nervous system giving you safety and peace of mind.  Can’t change the view from your cubicle?  Add a small mirror so you can see behind you.
  6. Clean out the fridge – nurture your body with healthy food. Do you need that take-out container from Tuesday or the lettuce that’s a day or two past good?    And you know it but sometimes you just get busy.  Take a few minutes to clear out everything you know you won’t or can’t eat to see what you have left.  Again, it’s clarity and a bit of self-care which is always good Feng Shui.
  7. Vacuum or sweep – everywhere we go, we attract a bit of that energy to bring home with us. Symbolically vacuuming or sweeping is a great move to gather up the less than excellent energy you have tracked in at the end of the day and taking it back out where it belongs.  Only bring in that which serves you.
  8. Take a shower – this is all about your personal chi. And yes, this is Feng Shui too.  Just like vacuuming to rid your home of the residual energies that snuck in, not to mention the dirt, showering can cleanse your body and soul of the energies you tracked in personally.  Water can be a very soothing element, and letting go of the stress might just be the shift for your body you need.
  9. Turn off your wifi for the night – woah. Seriously?  This might be a step too far for some of you.  But yes, electromagnetic fields (or EMFs) are everywhere, and we believe they are harmful.  Have you seen the experiments where one plant was exposed to EMFs and one wasn’t?  This is no different than to humans.  There are also some wonderful EMF mitigation devices for your whole house on the market.  Maybe start with not using your phone as an alarm clock and keep it in another room.

Now that you can feel a difference in your space, it might be time to dig deeper.  And that’s where an expert comes in.  Remember when we talked about the bagua and orientations or directions and intentions?  That’s the complexity and beauty of Feng Shui through the different schools of feng shui, or what we call perspectives.  Each one has its gifts, nuances, procedures, and approach. And the right one for you may be different than for your neighbor.  So, if you are ready to take that next step, we encourage you to have a look at our full and diverse consultant directory.  And if you want to take it even deeper – check out our school directory and get the training you want to make even more changes and steps toward your goals.

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