That Thing Called Love from Wendy Yawching

Wendy Yawching of Healing Spaces and Caribbean and IFSG Board of Directors, shares her lightbulb moment about how love can be found within – and how to use Feng Shui to enhance your experience.

We all seek love. It’s one of my clients most frequent requests (along with money and health). So over the years, I got to thinking: How can I use Feng Shui to really, really help all of these people who come to me expecting that a few adjustments in their bedroom, or in the relationship corner of their homes, will bring about a miraculous change in their romantic fortune?

So I went within and asked the question, and the answer was waiting there. A Lightbulb moment! And now whenever I talk about love and relationships, whether it be to an individual client or within a workshop session, this is my message….

Self Love from Wendy Yawching

Quite simply, Love starts with US. With YOU.

To support the energy of love, whether you are seeking to attract a rich, rewarding love into your life, or to strengthen your existing relationships, don’t focus only on the Relationship corner. Love is not just about pink quartz, or hearts and roses. Deep authentic love is a matter much deeper, and we should give it the honour it deserves.

Take a good look at the Bagua. Check out the 3 Earth guas. Start from the bottom left, moving in a diagonal line to the upper right: Gen, Tai Chi, Kun (as shown in the image below, where blue is Gen; yellow is Tai Chi and Kun is pink).

Self Love from Wendy Yawching

Western Bagua/Source Ken Lauer

I believe that in order to have the desired result of a successful and joyous primary relationship, we should support and enhance (and WORK on) each of the earth guas, starting from bottom left and moving to the top right as our destination.

Gen: Wisdom, self-development, self-knowledge. Can you see how important this is, if we are to truly love another and share in a relationship? First we must know ourselves; are we really ready or available to share in a healthy relationship? If not, then this is where the work should be done first, both internally and externally, so that we bring a stronger and healthier psyche to the desired love relationship.

Tai Chi: Balance, Harmony, Well-being. Before we can really love another we should love our Self; we should seek to be centred, balanced, harmonious within. Then we can truly give, share, from a well-spring of well-being, with another person. So I urge my clients/students to spend time enhancing the energy of their Tai-chi, both within themselves and in their environments.

And then, only then, do I encourage paying attention to the gua that is so very popular:

Kun: Primary Relationships.
When, moving up the Earth diagonal, you bring the wisdom and growth of Gen, plus the harmony, balance and well-being of Tai Chi, to the Primary Relationship area of Kun…


THEN you are really ready.

Ready to express your desire for a healthy relationship by enhancing the gua of Kun (using all best feng shui methods of course).

Ready to actually embrace and participate in a holistic empowering, completely wonderful primary relationship.

Here’s to LOVE!

Wendy YawchingWendy Yawching is a retired airline captain who lives in Tobago.  In 2014 she obtained a master’s certification in BTB Feng Shui, which opened up a whole new heart-centred world of possibilities. She was elected to the IFSG board of directors in 2017 and subsequently for a second term in 2020.  Her other loves include adventure travelling, competitive Latin and Ballroom dancing, hiking, biking and kayaking.  She is the owner of Healing Spaces Caribbean.

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