Landscaping, Gardening and Nurturing Earth Energies with Feng Shui, newsletter

Feng Shui Newsletter, Landscape and Gardens

We love bringing Feng Shui to our outdoor spaces. And when we started dreaming about this issue, we realized it’s more than curb appeal and landscaping. Our Earth is so magical. 🌏
Between landscaping, gardening for sustenance, dowsing the land, healing geopathic stresses, and deciding where to put your home on a lot…phew there is so much Feng Shui that happens outside of buildings. 🌳 And even if you don’t own a yard or outdoor space, there are ways to bring nature indoors and make the most of time you spend outside.
Keep scrolling…we cover a lot in this one!
from the International Feng Shui Guild
Landscaping and Gardening, April 2024 Newsletter
In most Western Gardens attention is paid to the forms shapes and materials but nothing is given to the concepts that move our gardens from beautiful spaces to places that help us contemplate our connection to the earth and the spirit that imbibes us. It is this lifting of the significance of the garden that enchants us when we see what the Chinese and Japanese have created in their gardens. These gardens are not constructed to recreate nature but to capture the essence of nature in forms, shapes and materials for the purpose of lifting the human spirit.
“We don’t have to clone these genera to create gardens that are meaningful. We can create beautiful, restorative, healthy spaces using designs, plants and materials that are in concert with our houses, land and aesthetic sensibilities. What can be learned from these gardens and is of great importance in a Feng Shui garden is to design using natural shapes, including the five senses and introducing elements such as water features found in the natural environments.”
Cultivating Your Garden and Landscaping with Positive Energy from Dee Oujiri
From Roots to Blooms
Cultivating Positive Energy Through Your Garden with Feng Shui
by Dee Oujiri, Feng Shui, Holistic Living + Wellness
“Feeling like your space could use a boost of positivity and vitality? You’re not alone. In the bustling rhythm of life, our surroundings often need a touch of rejuvenation. Enter Feng Shui, an ancient practice that sees the immense potential in vibrant greenery to transform both our outdoor and indoor environments. With the color green at its core, symbolizing growth and new beginnings, Feng Shui invites a refreshing and uplifting energy into our lives. By weaving a rich tapestry of trees and plants into our spaces, we open the door to a nurturing energy that uplifts and supports our well-being from the ground up.”
Yin and Yang for your Property Landscaping
Yin and Yang: How do they Relate to your Property
by Maureen K. Calamia, Luminous Spaces Feng Shui
“Yin and yang is an eastern idea that has to do with complementary opposites. It’s all about balance. Yin and yang are present in everything in the universe and their dynamic balance creates harmony and well-being.”
It’s more than which type of tree to plant where – and which plants are native or good for your planting zone. You can also consider the energy of the spaces surrounding your home – front and back and yin and yang. We love this idea!
Landscaping and Garden Ponds from Bridget SarakaWant to enhance the bagua of your property?
“If you truly want to create the most perfect stay-cation contemplate the addition of a small pond in the far left quarter of the property. Don’t be afraid of the maintenance, once established the joys truly will outweigh the effort.”
We love this for enhancing the wealth gua in the garden!
Missing Corner and Landscaping CuresWhat to do about a missing corner in your bagua?
“Choose an outdoor cure. If you have freedom with the area, and you have the funds or skill, you might like to fill in the “missing” floor plan area by adding a room or a deck. Alternatively, you might fill in with a delineated garden or by placing a substantial yard addition (such as a gazebo, lamp post, fountain, statue, stone, or tree) at the farthest point of the “missing” corner.”
When you are thinking about your garden and landscape and enhancing your entire property; there are other considerations beyond plantings and flower beds.
In Feng Shui, we also talk about the land and the earth, energies that are present that can either support or challenge you, and where to place your home if you are building.
Amanda Sophia - Dowsing in Landscaping
How to Heal the Earth: An Introduction to Geomancy and Dowsing
Amanda Sophia, International Feng Shui School
“Feng Shui is expansive, and includes the land and our natural environment. This is where geomancy [and dowsing] step in; where we use the history and power of the land to inform and guide us. A geomantic perspective acknowledges that all wisdom originates from the land and our ancestors.”
Read the full article to learn how geomancy and dowsing work to heal land and build our connections to land in beautiful and ancient ways.
Dig deeper in this podcast episode from Amanda Sophia, featuring Alex Stark called Understanding Geomancy, Dowsing and Land Healing. Click here to listen now to their personal stories and connections to the land.
Land Siting - Landscaping and Gardening
Choosing Land & Positioning Your Home with Good Feng Shui
“When selecting a piece of land to buy, always start by choosing your plot with sound feng shui principles in mind. Remember that chi flows from the outside into your home and thus what’s outside your home is as important as what’s inside it.”
This article includes tips on how to (ideally)…
. Survey the surroundings
. Select a regular shaped piece of land
. Understand why deep is better than wide
. Avoid land that slopes backwards
. Position your house correctly
Forest Bathing
🌲Forest Therapy, sometimes also called Forest Bathing, is a practice to support healing and wellness through immersion in forests and other natural environments. There is more and more research proving the effectiveness of this practice. Forest Therapy is inspired by the Japanese practice of Shinrin-Yoku.
“Forest Bathing sounds like its all about the trees… but it’s not. It refers to all the energy that you are swimming in when you are in nature. It’s the value of sunlight on our skin and even for our mind. It’s the power of the colors of nature – greens, browns, blues – and how they sooth and balance us. We swim in the vibrations of sound, of the wind rustling leaves, of birds, of insects, of streams gurgling. We connect to the earth with bare feet, and swim in the electromagnetic energy of the earth reducing the inflammation in our bodies. The scents of nature are more than just for enjoyment, natural aromatherapy helps fight infections, and boost our energy in all ways. As you take a conscious walk or enjoy a spot to sit and just be, attune yourself to enjoy all the various sensations bathing your body. This is something you can do in your own backyard or park, even if there is not a forest present. Connect with the earth, the plants, the sounds, the scents, the texture of the ground beneath you. Let your mind notice who is there, butterflies, daisies, robins… who lives in your little patch of nature.”
The bottom line: get outdoors even if you don’t have your own yard. 😊
Feng Shui is Fabulous with Nature
Final Thoughts
Feng Shui is Fabulous with Nature – “Tree” Energy: Bringing Nature Indoors
from Lois Kramer-Perez, Mambo Feng Shui
The energy associated with “Tree” is uprising, early morning, the time of new beginnings. The colors are the bright green of the leaves, the shapes are tall and vertical. Connecting to this element, we feel motivated to move! We are filled with new ideas and excited about the actions we are ready to take. If we find ourselves feeling stuck, what better way to get motivated than to get outside and walk amongst the Trees. Bringing the energy of Tree inside our homes and office space, we bring life!
Don’t have an outdoor space? This one is for you. Read Lois’s suggestions for adding this living, healing, motivating energy to your indoor spaces. 
As a professional non-profit organization, the International Feng Shui Guild mission is to
  • Advance the practice, teaching and use of Feng Shui worldwide
  • Promote and serve our membership with resources, networking opportunities, publications and a content-rich website
  • Unify the Feng Shui community by establishing and upholding universal standards in professional practice and education
  • Inspire public confidence in the professionalism of our members as demonstrated in our by-laws, Code of Ethics and the Feng Shui Universal Topics.
Copyright © 2024 International Feng Shui Guild.

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