Navigating Turmoil and Chaos in the World with Feng Shui, newsletter

Feng Shui Newsletter, Health and Healing

It’s no secret there is a lot going on in the world. The economy, family struggles, health…and don’t even get us started on politics. 🤪 But the important thing here is that we remain calm.
One of the biggest things we see with our clients is they are living in fear. It’s incredibly hard not to. Even for those of us who should know better. Fear breeds more fear. Worry attracts challenges. Of course, if you are going through a mess, we feel for you. We are thinking of you. We are lifting you up. 🥰 But know, there are ways you can navigate the chaos of the situation to get to the other side. And yes, we believe the other side is right around the corner for all of us.
Keep scrolling to read ways to calm your mind and soul. Ways to keep going in the tough times. Ways to thrive in a world that tells you that you can’t. We’ve got your back. And we always will.
Cheers, from the International Feng Shui Guild
Navigating Chaos and Turmoil, August 2024 Newsletter
Nine Things You Can Do to Calm Your Mind
This doesn’t mean you have to do ALL nine. 😉 This means pick the one(s) that resonate the most RIGHT NOW. We often make things so hard. And even technology is designed or promoted to make things easier – but it can make things worse. There’s already too much “hard” out there to navigate, and the human body wasn’t designed for this level of turmoil.
Let’s try easy for a bit. So while these aren’t specifically “feng shui” for your space, we are talking a bit about “feng shui” energy shifts for you and your life.
  1. Soak up the sun: especially early morning and late day. The sun is life-giving to plants and trees. Guess what: it’s life-giving to us too. Of course, we don’t want you sunburned. But there are growing studies calling for spending more time in the gifts of the sun.
  2. Turn it off: get off the news media and limit social media. Honestly, this industry has really shifted over the years to a bad news / bad news philosophy. And we eat it up. But it is truly not good for our brains, psyche, and mental health.
  3. Phone a friend: if you are lucky enough to have a venting buddy, take advantage. Maybe it’s to vent. Maybe it’s to laugh. Either way, sharing the burden might help.
  4. Shake a leg: moving your body is a must. Even if it’s just a few squats in the bedroom or a walk around the block. The fact is that most of us sit too much.
  5. Focus on health: take a small step by replacing a food you know isn’t good for you or setting a sleeping schedule with an intention of getting more sleep. Our bodies and minds need decent sleep time to regenerate and heal. Even if you are otherwise healthy, sleep is a huge healer.
  6. Get some help: if things are not going well, you feel overly tired for many days/weeks in a row and don’t know why, if you are overwhelmed or can’t think straight, it might be time for a professional. The world is a bit nuts right now, so there is no shame in getting help to get through tough times.
  7. Get grounded: yep, touch the earth. Humans are electrical beings, and we need to get connected to the earth and it’s magnetic pulse regularly. Walk outside – ideally not in rubber soled shoes; and if this is hard for you, there are a number of amazing companies who offer grounding sheets, mats and other tools.
  8. What’s the charge? Don’t sleep next to your phone, turn off devices that you don’t need (especially at night getting off those phones), and get a EMF blocker for your home to reduce the impacts of radiation present in all things electrical.
  9. Check out our pros: if you are ready for a consultation or to work with a professional, we’ve got you. Our directory of Feng Shui experts is literally one of the most diverse offerings anywhere. Take the nudge and get a shift going in your life.
Which one will you try first?
Peace in Chaos

We love this from Karen Rauch Carter! Anxiety Help Using Feng Shui. Click here or click the image below to watch now.

📌Need help getting organized like Karen talked about? Have a look at consultants who specialize in organization support!

Peace in Chaos
Feng Shui Tip: Creating Balance
“Balance is essential in Feng Shui. Arrange furniture and décor to promote balance and symmetry within your space. This can help develop a sense of stability and harmony, soothing the mind and spirit. For example, make sure you can always see the door from the sitting area in the living room and your bed in the bedroom.”
Derelle Ball - Where the Qi Goes
Where the Mind Goes, Qi Follows
“Most feng shui consultants have plenty of examples where clients enthusiastically engage their services seeking significant change and yet they are unprepared to actually implement the changes recommended from an 8 Mansions, San He, Fei Xing, 4 Pillars, Xuan Kong Da Gua, Qi Men Dun Jia etc perspective. Some take on board a vague superstition and place their trust in a feel-good placebo-based object rather than taking responsibility for their predicament and then taking action to begin the process of change.
“Another issue I sometimes come across is ‘toxic positivity.’ This is the mistaken belief that if you only ever think positive thoughts and always strive to appear positive to others that you will automatically receive positive luck from the universe.  It’s important that you do not invalidate your emotions by pressuring yourself to maintain a positive mindset no matter what.”
Intrigued? So were we. We loved this article by Derelle about how Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) can help bridge the connection between what we think and what we do. And we all know that while intention is super important, action is necessary. Especially when surrounded by (often negative) external voices and situations.
Incredibly insightful…read the full article now…

Feng Shui in the Mainstream, Forbes Home

In the Mainstream…from ForbesHome: 10 Feng Shui Rules to Live by for a Calm, Restorative Space

Featuring ideas on finding peace through decluttering, color, foliage, water, comfort, natural textiles, and so much more. 😊
Final Thoughts: Watch Your Words
You have heard about the power of positive words when fighting disease; doctors talk about patients with positive outlooks v. those without all the time. But how about language in every day life?
Words have incredible power.
Don’t say “I am sick.”
Don’t say “this thing or person is killing me.” Even as a joke.
Don’t say “I can’t take this.”
Don’t say “I am dying.” Even when you mean you’re laughing.
And so on…
Shifting your language can make a huge difference as we start to work through the chaos that is the world right now. We can simply accept or reject any narratives. Especially if someone tells you that you can’t do something or can’t be something. We, at the IFSG, are hear to say, you can be or do what ever you want. Of course, we think Feng Shui can help to be part of your transformation. 🤩
And in the meantime…have a look at this article from of How to Turn 11 Every Day Phrases from Negative to Positive and get started on a verbiage shift immediately. ⏰ You won’t regret it.
“Learning new things and taking steps toward creating the life you want, be it strengthening beliefs, gaining new skills, uprooting your home, changing your daily habits and schedule, committing to greater health and/or investing time, energy and money by challenging yourself to follow your own path is hard. People won’t understand, nor support, you. You’ll want to quit. You’ll want to give up. You’ll tire of showing up but here’s thing…. it’s hard until it’s not, because building new muscle mind-body-spirit is a devotion in living with strong will, tenacious curiosity, and unwavering commitment to your life, not in a hustle and grind for the system, but in a reverence for gift you’ve been given by being here.” ❤️
As a professional non-profit organization, the International Feng Shui Guild mission is to
  • Advance the practice, teaching and use of Feng Shui worldwide
  • Promote and serve our membership with resources, networking opportunities, publications and a content-rich website
  • Unify the Feng Shui community by establishing and upholding universal standards in professional practice and education
  • Inspire public confidence in the professionalism of our members as demonstrated in our by-laws, Code of Ethics and the Feng Shui Universal Topics.
Copyright © 2024 International Feng Shui Guild.

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