On the Go with Feng Shui Travel – making the most of your time away from home

Feng Shui Newsletter

Did You Know: working with the bagua map, there is an area within our spaces that relates to the main areas of life including health, wealth, relationships, and more. And there is an area specifically related to travel called the Helpful People and Travel gua. If you are looking to make travel a priority, this is a great place to start in your home and office. But what about Feng Shui on the go? We got you!
From the IFSG Feng Shui Glossary©…Qian (Helpful People and Travel) is defined as…
One of the eight trigrams, guas or sectors of the Bagua, associated with the Northwest, the number 6, the element Metal, late Autumn-early Winter, the colors grey, white, metallic gold or silver, the head, lungs, large intestines, skin and the sense of smell, Father or boss, the symbol Heaven and relates to travel, benefactors and other life aspects. In the I Ching, Qian is denoted by three solid lines and is the most yang trigram. 
Keep scrolling for great tips and ideas, and let us know on social media where you plan to travel next!
Cheers, from the International Feng Shui Guild
On the Go with Feng Shui and Travel
Set an Intention for your Trip
“Before I leave, I set the intention that my trip is going to be whatever it is going to be emotionally (i.e., calm, profitable, joyous) or I’ll set the intention around the purpose of the trip. That intention is going to help you attract the best property or place that’s going to support you.” 🥰
Feng Shui Travel Tips
Nine Simple Feng Shui Travel Tips
We actively practice Feng Shui at home and at work. But what happens when we hit the road? Can we take it with us and make the adventure even better? Yes!  From protection, energy, comfort, and sacred time and space…James covers it all i these 9 simple tips.
Read the full article and get out there! ✈️
Suzanne Roynon Travel Tips
How to Attract Positive Travel Experiences and Helpful Friends Through Your Home
Suzanne Roynon, Interiors Therapy
“Hand on heart, I love the impact of activating the travel and helpful friends area, whether in my own home or in those of my clients around the world. This is a Feng Shui area that does exactly what it says on the tin. It opens the opportunity to adventure near and far while drawing the positive energy of those regarded as ‘helpful’ people into your life, just precisely when you need them.”
Feng Shui Hotel Hacks for Happy Travel from Robyn Stevens
Quick Tip: Hotel Hacks for Happy Travels
Traveling? Keep those good vibes flowing and your energy soaring by incorporating some Feng Shui into the mix!  Hotel Room Hacks:
• Get your suitcases unpacked and neatly stored away as soon as possible.
• Keep your space tidy; clutter can zap the good vibes even in a hotel room! Don’t wait for housekeeping.
• Keep belongings off the floor.
• Remember to close the bathroom door and keep the toilet seat down. And hey, this can help you hang onto your money!
Quick TipPicking Travel Dates
If you are wondering how to pick travel dates, times, schedules…look no further than auspicious dates or date selection.
Date selection, or mapping cosmic energies into the calendar, is used for both personal and business opportunities in the modern world ~ including travel.
There are different ways to apply the science behind auspicious dates. Find a Consultant who specializes in “date selection” and book those travel tickets!

…and from Travel and Leisure Asia, Tips for Auspicious Travel

MIND + BODY + HOME Podcast from Sara Kostelnik, Jade Scott Design
Featuring Wendy Yawching, Feng Shui for Travelers
“In this episode, Sara talks with Wendy Yawching, a former airline captain and master Feng Shui consultant, about how Feng Shui can support travel experiences and ease travel anxiety. Wendy shares insights into the relationship between personal chi and the environment, offering practical tips for enhancing our energy before and during travel.”
You are going to love this one!
Final Thoughts: Spaciousness, Beauty and Awe
from Maria Best, Looking for Space Solutions
“…simply close your eyes, imagine, inhale deeply, and invite spaciousness, tranquility, and serenity to accompany you. Take little steps. Search out the experiences that make your heart pound and your skin feel tingly. Surround yourself with beauty. Seek the sublime. An awesome adventure awaits.”
Read Maria’s story into the unknown of nature and spaciousness, and learn how that trip relates back to the beauty of our spaces. Includes Ten Simple Ways to Experience Everyday Awe.
As a professional non-profit organization, the International Feng Shui Guild mission is to
  • Advance the practice, teaching and use of Feng Shui worldwide
  • Promote and serve our membership with resources, networking opportunities, publications and a content-rich website
  • Unify the Feng Shui community by establishing and upholding universal standards in professional practice and education
  • Inspire public confidence in the professionalism of our members as demonstrated in our by-laws, Code of Ethics and the Feng Shui Universal Topics.
Copyright © 2024 International Feng Shui Guild.

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