The Vitality and Flow of Water in Feng Shui, newsletter

Easy Money, Feng Shui Newsletter

In this issue of the IFSG Feng Shui Newsletter – we are talking about one of the five elements – the element of water. While every element is important to the balance of life and energies, water is often showcased due to its importance to human, plant and animal life. 💧
We’ve made sure to cover as many perspectives or approaches as we can in this issue. We often say, “there isn’t one way to Feng Shui.” And we truly mean it. The diversity in our membership covering all the schools of Feng Shui is one of our favorite things. Take what works for you ~ and leave the rest.
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from the International Feng Shui Guild
The Vitality and Flow of Water in Feng Shui
We know that water covers approximately 70% of the earth’s surface and approximately 96% of earth’s water is from oceans (and we haven’t even scratched the surface of exploring much of the deep blue!). Also, according to Medical News Today, the human body is on average 60% water – with ranges of 45-75% possible. Water is food and fuel for all living things. These simple facts remind us of the importance of water in our daily life.
You might have heard about the connection of wealth and water. You might have heard that bathrooms in certain areas of your house are “bad” because of the water aspects. We aim to open your mind to possibilities ~ to new ways of thinking where water is concerned ~ to use the water (abundance or lack of it) to your advantage ~ to help you thrive and grow.
And if you haven’t heard of Masaru Emoto and his work with water – we hope you will take some time to watch the following video. A Japanese businessman, author, and scientist, Emoto is instrumental in exploring the properties and memories – yep memories – of water. His work is brilliant and captures what Feng Shui consultants know. Water is alive. Vital. Flowing. And magical.
The Hidden Secrets of Water: Research by Dr. Masaru Emoto
YouTube Channel: unXplained Enigmas ~~ watch/listen now
The Flow of Water with Lorrie Grillo
Trusting in the Flow of Life is Pure Water Energy!
by Lorrie Webb Grillo, Thriving Spaces
“When do you need Water energy in your life? The quick answer is whenever you feel that you’ve lost the connection to your spirit, or inner life.  This is even expressed in our language. For example, have you ever said that you’ve “hit a dry spell?” Usually this means that you’ve lost connection with whatever gives you that creative spark or that energy needed for work. Sometimes a need for Water energy is expressed when you feel anxious, or can’t be alone. There’s nothing like a trip to the ocean or a walk along a river to re-connect with Water energy. Or if you’re yoga practitioner, a little flow movement is good Water energy. But too much Water can be overwhelming and feel like life has no form or organization to it. This is expressed in our everyday language when we feel “wishy washy” or “flooded” with deep emotion, like grief.”
1. One of the Five Elements represented by the color black. Its movement is wavy and deep. Water energy portrays a depth of emotion and introspection. It represents the North sector of the Bagua, number 1, wavy or amorphous shapes, Winter season, the kidneys and sense of hearing.
2. Classically related to the trigram Kan and the Bagua area associated with career and life journey.
Also called Shui
Feng Shui Bathroom in Wealth
How to Work with a Bathroom in the Wealth Area of your Home
based on works by Anjie Cho and Laura Morris, Mindful Design Feng Shui School
We love this topic because it’s such a hot button for much of the western world who loves or is learning about Feng Shui. And we really love how Anjie and Laura approach it. Especially their podcast titled, Oh No My Bathroom is in My Wealth Area. 🤣 And in fact, these BTB Feng Shui experts have covered this topic several times because it seems to be such a worry to folks diving into Feng Shui. So, if you are worried about where your bathroom is: don’t. We got you. After all, as Anjie says, “you have to have a bathroom somewhere.” Have a look / read / listen to the links below from Anjie and Laura…
“A bathroom in the wealth area isn’t the most desirable, but I wouldn’t call it bad. In fact, I encourage you to not use the word “bad” in general. You have to have a bathroom somewhere, and you have to work with what you have. Often, we’re attracted to feng shui that may be challenging. This isn’t necessarily negative, because with the greatest challenges come the greatest rewards. We’ve all been through challenging times, and there is so much beauty that can come from them.” ~~Anjie
Water and Flow
Quick Tip: Feng Shui and Home Maintenance
Plumbing issues like dripping taps, leaks, and blockages often reflect and amplify financial problems while glitches with the electrics show up as burn-out, anxiety, and mental health issues. That’s why it always makes sense to get them fixed straight away.
What you can do today: Make a list of any home maintenance tasks required in your home, and sort it out.
Suzanne Roynon, Interiors Therapy
Water and Flow - the Myths5 Feng Shui Myths of Flow, Draining, and Generating Water
“It’s time to unravel some of those mysteries to understand the role of water as it relates to the energetic concepts of flow, draining, and generating energies.
“Many well-meaning feng shui consultants will say that bathroom energy is problematic and that the “draining” energy of a home’s plumbing can cause problems with health and wealth. The real problem is that they’re applying this art from the negative. They’re worried more about the drain and less about the generation of water.”
Read more from Katie Weber, Red Lotus Letter
Katie Rogers and the Flow of Water FountainsFeng Shui & Money: Promoting the Flow – or Why Not All Fountains are Created Equal
“There are so many ways to facilitate money flow in feng shui. And there are also so many ways to block it.”⛲
This is such a GREAT client story from Katie about how intention – forgetting to turn on that fountain for example (oops) – makes a difference for getting in flow with Feng Shui.
Read the full and captivating story of Dave and his fountain from Katie Rogers, Wind Horse School of Feng Shui
Final Thoughts: Intentionally Creating Flow
from Tina Falk, VIA School of Feng Shui
We can absolutely create flow through water – but there are other ways that flow is represented in our spaces especially through directional art. Listen to Tina’s quick tip on the importance of flow – why we use it in Feng Shui – and simple examples to place and use your space.
As a professional non-profit organization, the International Feng Shui Guild mission is to
  • Advance the practice, teaching and use of Feng Shui worldwide
  • Promote and serve our membership with resources, networking opportunities, publications and a content-rich website
  • Unify the Feng Shui community by establishing and upholding universal standards in professional practice and education
  • Inspire public confidence in the professionalism of our members as demonstrated in our by-laws, Code of Ethics and the Feng Shui Universal Topics.
Copyright © 2024 International Feng Shui Guild.

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